AND DON'T TRY TO OPEN THE CREATED VIRUS ON YOUR OWN COMP. Download Software : Download Link > DOWNLOAD DISINI These viruses are also very easily detected by antivirus software, most of the victims will be successful if the targets are not using antivirus / antivirus disabled. Note : THIS IS A VIRUS MAKING SOFTWARE SO SOME ANTIVIRUS MAY DETECT IS AS A VIRUS BUT ACTUALLY IT IS NOT A VIRUS SEE THE PIC FOR PROOF. Here I have Terabit Virus Maker Software version 3.2 that has support with Windows 7. Restart-Logoff-Turnoff-Hibrinate Automatic After 30 minutesĬhange Server Name After Install in ProcessĮnable Convert To Worm - Auto Copy Server To Active Path With Custom Name & Time Change Custom Icon For your created Virus (15 Icons)